… in which Ko attempts to expel a subversive spiral of self-speak in Stockholm.

I did these nine paintings in the span of a week: they were prompted by a newly-found friend asking if I could lend some work to an event he was hosting in Stockholm. They are a response to the silence found in Stockholm after years of living within the deafening torrent of New York City and an attempt at exorcizing some of the scripts running for years in my subconscious.

  • In this series, I combine two painting techniques and materials I’ve generally used to different ends: shellac-based ink on Yupo in creating color studies and the simultaneously soft, slightly metallic, iridescent quality of graphite, which I just love covering textured surfaces in. I juxtaposed these materials to speak to the ambivalence of being a newcomer in Sweden: a juxtaposition of the city’s beauty and great quality of life, against the cold, often solitary atmosphere of Stockholm.

  • Each work is

    Graphite, oil and ink on Yupo

    40 x 26 inches

    102 x 66 cm


Implicit Cognition